This Endpoint returns All time leaders for different stats in the NBA.
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import alltimeleadersgrids
Query Parameters
API Parameter Name | Python Parameter Variable | Description | Status | Nullable |
LeagueID | league_id | Options include NBA, ABA, G league, WNBA. | Required | Defaults to NBA. |
PerMode | per_mode_simple | Options include total, per 36 minutes or per game | Required | Defaults to total. |
SeasonType | season_type | Other options include regular season or preseason. | Required | Defaults to regular season. |
TopX | topx | No info available | Required | No info available |
Arguments Taken
['ASTLeaders', 'BLKLeaders', 'DREBLeaders', 'FG3ALeaders', 'FG3MLeaders', 'FG3_PCTLeaders', 'FGALeaders', 'FGMLeaders', 'FG_PCTLeaders', 'FTALeaders', 'FTMLeaders', 'FT_PCTLeaders', 'GPLeaders', 'OREBLeaders', 'PFLeaders', 'PTSLeaders', 'REBLeaders', 'STLLeaders', 'TOVLeaders']
The response for each argument is shown below in key: value format
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import alltimeleadersgrids
alltime_stats = alltimeleadersgrids.AllTimeLeadersGrids()
'{"headers": ["PLAYER_ID", "PLAYER_NAME", "AST", "AST_RANK", "IS_ACTIVE_FLAG"], "data": [[304, "John Stockton", 15806, 1, "N"], [467, "Jason Kidd", 12091, 2, "N"], [101108, "Chris Paul", 10977, 3, "Y"], [959, "Steve Nash", 10335, 4, "N"], [349, "Mark Jackson", 10334, 5, "N"], [77142, "Magic Johnson", 10141, 6, "N"], [2544, "LeBron James", 10045, 7, "Y"], [600015, "Oscar Robertson", 9887, 8, "N"], [78318, "Isiah Thomas", 9061, 9, "N"], [56, "Gary Payton", 8966, 10, "N"]]}'