This Endpoint gives the leaders in stats for a particular franchise/team
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import franchiseleaders
franchiseleaders.FranchiseLeaders(`required parameter`)
#Query Parameters
API Parameter Name | Python Parameter Variable | Description | Status | Nullable |
TeamID(opens new window) | team_id | Team ID | Required | No |
LeagueID(opens new window) | league_id_nullable | League | Optional | Defaults to NBA |
#Arguments Taken
This endpoint only returns a Franchise's stat leaders.
{'FranchiseLeaders': ['TEAM_ID',
#Response fields
Getting the Franchise Leaders for the Golden State Warriors (GSW)
from nba_api.stats.endpoints import franchiseleaders
gsw_franchise = franchiseleaders.FranchiseLeaders(1610612744)
'{"resource": "playerawards", "parameters": {"LeagueID": null, "TeamID": 1610612744}, "resultSets": [{"name": "FranchiseLeaders", "headers": ["TEAM_ID", "PTS", "PTS_PERSON_ID", "PTS_PLAYER", "AST", "AST_PERSON_ID", "AST_PLAYER", "REB", "REB_PERSON_ID", "REB_PLAYER", "BLK", "BLK_PERSON_ID", "BLK_PLAYER", "STL", "STL_PERSON_ID", "STL_PLAYER"], "rowSet": [[1610612744, 20064, 201939, "Stephen Curry", 5388, 201939, "Stephen Curry", 12771, 600001, "Nate Thurmond", 1140, 1502, "Adonal Foyle", 1367, 201939, "Stephen Curry"]]}]}'